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Transitions from winter to spring

Introducing nettles, Urtica dioica

Nettles grow wildly in North and South America, Europe, and Asia. This treasured plant is rich in many minerals, and people all over these areas use their leaves for cooking. Steamed or blanched, they are a sound base for a nutritious soup, sauce, or tea. Check out my soup video for an idea on how to cook with them. In minor cases of arthritis, it reduces inflammation by stinging the affected area with the nettles of its fresh stem. It is an excellent source of iron, serves as a diuretic, and helps digestion. It is also considered a Mars plant, great for balancing this planet's fiery energy starting Aries season.

I am getting ready to start a brief cleanse. It will probably be kitchari and veggies - check out the recipe here. I like doing this ritual when the seasons change. A cleanse is not only a body detox for me; I like the reset that it also brings to my mind and soul. The intention behind it fuels the power to start another season. There is something very particular about the transition from winter to spring that makes me want to "shed" the extra protective "layers" that I need in the wintertime and start to enjoy the outdoors more. I am planning on taking advantage of all the delicious greens that will grow abundantly. I hope you do too!

See you soon!

With gratitude,


"Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?"

― Neltje Blanchan“


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